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Category Archives: Cambodia

Finally meet some Lithuanian travelers

April 5, 2012 | Cambodia | Permalink

For four and a half months we’ve been the only Lithuanian travelers in this part of the world. No, we didn’t make that up, its the opinion of dozens of French, Dutch, Spanish, American, German, Australian etc travelers we met. They all insisted they’d not met anyone else from, “Where are you from again?”, yes, Lithuania. Such an honor! 99 of 100 locals haven’t even heard of such a place, Lithuania, although they seemed somewhat more familiar with the word … Continue reading

Pirmi sutikti lietuviai!

April 5, 2012 | Cambodia | Permalink

Keturis su puse menesio klaidziojom po sita Azijos krasta kaip vieninteliai lietuviai keliauninkai. Kiti sutikti keliautojai – prancuzai, olandai, ispanai, amerikonai, vokieciai, australai – tvirtino pirma karta lietuvius matantys. Kokia garbe! O vietiniai is viso apie musu sali nieko nera girdeje. Idomu tik, kad Latvija daznai tvirtino zinantys. Gal del pavadinimo trumpumo ar skambesio… Taigi vis speliojom, kada gi sutiksim lietuviu sitame Zemes krastely. Ir stai visai netiketai, zingsniuojant Siem Reap’o gatve, ausys uzregistravo pazistamus gimtosios kalbos garsus. Woohooo! Pirmieji … Continue reading

Volunteering for sustainable Cambodia

March 25, 2012 | Cambodia | Permalink

Having left the busy capital city of Phnom Penh, we set off to visit a more rural Cambodia. We leave the bus half way between Phnom Penh and Battambang, in a small town of Pursat, settled around a stretch of National Highway 5. That same evening, we run into a group of 3 Peace Corps volunteers, who tell us about their experiences and mention a locally based NGO, Sustainable Cambodia. We decided to check it out. The NGO was established … Continue reading

Savanoriaujame Kambodžos gerbūviui

March 24, 2012 | Cambodia | Permalink

Palike salies sostine uznugary, iskeliavome ieskoti tikrosios Kambodzos. Sutabde autobusa pusiaukeleje tarp Phnom Penh ir Batambang islipome nedideliame pakeles miestelyje – Pursat. Ta pati vakara visai atsitiktinai sutikome tris “Taikos korpuso” savanorius, kurie mums papasakojo apie mieste isikurusia organizacija Sustainable Cambodia. Ilgai netrukus ten ir apsilankeme. Organizacija 2003 metais ikurta amerikieciu ir gausiai remiama Rotary klubo nariu (t.y. labai pasiturinciu dedziu ir dedieniu) is viso pasaulio. Dauguma darbuotoju ten yra vietiniai khmerai (ju dabar organizacijoje dirba apie 60) bei priimami … Continue reading

Cambodia – the country of beggars and posh jeeps

March 9, 2012 | Cambodia | Permalink

We’re in Cambodia for more that 2 weeks now. Its a substantially smaller country than Vietnam and most travelers spend only 2 or 3 weeks here, but for the leisurely pace we’re on, we’ll need more than a month. In fact, we’ve already extended our visa by another month :) The first week here we spent in a town called Kep, only 20km from the Vietnam border. We stayed in a very cozy wooden guesthouse situated between a small mountain … Continue reading